शुक्रवार, 16 मार्च 2012

Dr Harisuman bisht is keen observer of life: V. K..Joshi

At its best, literature projects the diverse nuances of the human beings and the world.Surely, a truly creative work expends awareness of its readers.Not only this but also it may even change a reader weltanschauung world outlook.Resolve his many doubts that keep invading his psyche often. Born on 1st January,1958 at a small village of Kumaon, Uttara khand,Dr.Harisuman Bisht is M.A.,Ph.D.in Hindi.Dr Bisht is a keen observer of life:of events, people and situations. His portrayl of mankind has an inherent universality.His concern about the dignity of the common man gives a unique dimension to his literary creations.Even when his charaters belong to the poorest section of the society and do not have any resources, thy are not mentally weak and do not bow down before the hostile forces. the protagonist Aachhri Machhri is the best example of it.She fights against all odds with a quiet dignity and grace and takes on a giant form at the end of the novel. Bisht's literature has a great variety. His recent novel BASERA takes its readers into the dark and macabre world of the abnormal psychology.The author has very competently and painstakingly tried to unravel the mysteries of the human character and mind. THE SILENCE AND SLOW PACE OF THE NOVEL ENABLE A READER TO FEEL THE FULL GAMUT OF THAT HORRIFYING TRAGEDY THAT SEEMS TO HAVE ITS PROVENCE IN A MALL CULTURE . His female charaters are simply superb. Even when they violate codes of the narrow- minded society and fall victims to punitive measures, they do not lose their charm and pried. Their moral force is very appreciable.They are born warriors.The heroine of AACHHRI_MACHHRI is an innocent victim of lust .She is punished by her father and shunned by the society. And , yet, she remains undefeated. She is a rock breaker. She has the most positive view towards life. Any female who has fallen into darkness can get inspiration from Aachhri. Even the most educated and fashionable ones. Bisht's literature has a note of robust optimism. It advocates the acceptance of life. The one that leads you to glory. It is a meaningful literature. MORE THEN OFTEN THE AUTHOR BROODS OVER THE PLIGHT OF THE HUMANS IN A COLD AND UNSYMPATHETIC WORLD. HE SEEMS TO TELL HIS READERS THAT DESPITE ALL SQUALOR AROUND US PERHAPS THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN. This literature can best be described as 'dulce et utile'-sweet and useful. It gives you pleasure on the one hand, on the other hand, it gives you strength to bear the brunts of life calmly. In his entire literature, he seems to have been exploring endlessly the unexplored frontiers of beauty.

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